Tuesday, July 24, 2012

New Badge = New Experiences

Today I went to the New Employee Orientation at the Board of Ed in my county for new hires.  We just filled out endless pieces of paperwork, and went over our pay structure  (I cannot wait to be paid in the summer while returning to my temporary SAHM status!).  Since 2008, I have been a substitute teacher and intern in my county, while going to school and trying to land a full-time teaching job.

Well...  take a look.  I feel so official today!

I look so pale in this picture, but I got a job beyotches friends!!

And I am ready to put my new Brighton lanyard on it, which I bought in the gift shop of our Florida vacay!

Somedays I am a pearl girl, and others diamonds (there are some clear stones on top of the pearl, so I thought this lanyard was perfect for my everyday teacher wear.

And my old Substitute Teacher badge, hopefully never to be worn again (but I have to admit, I really had great experiences subbing, even my first job when the kids kept calling me Mrs. Taco Bell instead of Mrs. Colombel...

I am thinking of selling this on Ebay...  just kidding!

Even though I missed my Date Day (it's Tuesday guys!) with my older Superhero, they got to spend time with Mimi (who came over the watch them around 8:30) and then Blair (who came over for the second shift at 11:30).  Look at the pic Blair took of her and the boys...  I swear she looks like she could be their older sister!

Spiderman, Blair and a chunky Baltimore Raven!

It's going to be a new road for all of us...

Moi-  Middle School teacher

Blake- He is signed up at a Jewish Daycare (and make challah bread every Friday with his friend Daniel!)

Colton- He got into a gifted 4 year-old class, where he will learn to read...  can't believe it!!

Daddy- Does not have to pay for EVERYTHING anymore.  I am sure he is looking forward to having more money in his pockets for when he starts golfing again (maybe a month the doctor told him!)

Rusty (the dog)-  Will be alone during the day, but I am sure he will enjoy laying on our white sofa and not having me yell at him tell him to get off the sofa every hour!

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