Colton: "My favorite person is zero!" (maybe I should have interviewed him a little more than 5 minutes after he woke up from his nap!)
Mommy: "If it was Halloween, what would you want to dress up as?"
Colton: "Superman."
Mommy: "What is your favorite food?"
Colton: "I don't like any boring foods, that I should eat." OOO-KAYYYYYY.........
Mommy: "Ok, Colton. Just name something, please."
Colton: "Actually, fries and chicken nuggets."
Mommy: "Who is your best friend at school?"
Colton: "Joseph."
Mommy: "What is your favorite thing to watch on your iPad?"
Colton: "Dumbo." (Seriously, I though he was going to say Ninjago or Woody Woodpecker.)
Mommy: "What is your favorite thing to do outside?"
Colton: "I want a two wheel bike and play with golf balls with daddy when I am big."
Mommy: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Colton: "The same thing as Daddy. What does Daddy do, Mommy?"
By the way... The superheroes spent the night last night with Aunt Jennifer over Mimi's. Here is a video the kids made... (above)
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