Monday, November 5, 2012

Blake's First Party Invite

Blake got invited to Ava's birthday party last Saturday, who is an adorable 3 year-old at his in-home daycare.  The location was at the River Hill center next to the pool.  His mother did an AMAZING job decorating the party space in a carnival theme.

Check out the pictures...  (notice I didn't take any of the other kids...  I didn't want to look like too much of a 'party stalker' taking all of these pics!)

The boys were coloring personalized circus paper which read Ava's 3rd Birthday

Photo Booth and a silly lion

The superheroes played with the animal ball toss

AMAZING!!  Such detail and color coordination.  The cupcakes and water bottles all had personal labels on them, and there were even Animal Crackers and Cracker Jacks snack bags not he table as well.

Cotton candy centerpieces...  Colton loved it!

Little guy doing the ball toss

Ledo's Pizza and water with striped straws

Goody 'Bags' complete in a carnival theme

We got to take cupcakes home to daddy

I LOVE reading blogs and seeing pictures of party decorations.  But my theory for most things these days is back to KISS...  keep it simple stupid.  I appreciated all of the time and creativity that went into this party, but doubt I will be able to top this at all.  Hats off to Ava!

15 Month Appointment

Blake had his 15 month check up last week, and Mimi joined us at the doctor's office.

Blake got weighed as usual.  He is almost 25 pounds already (Colton is currently 33 pounds).  I thinks when Blake is up and walking, he will lose some of his chub.

"I weigh HOW much?!?" 

 Blake (as I put before) is still not walking.  He has only crawled a handful of times, and gets around by scooting on his butt.  On Oct 23rd he pulled up for the first time.  Below is a picture of him after he pulled up on a new toy.

We are going to meet with people from an infant and toddler program in our county soon, so they can assess his progress.  He had his blood work done last week, which ruled out MS, so that highly relieved Eric and I.  But his pediatrician recommended we get some PT so he can "be on his feet" quickly.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halloween 2012

The superheroes celebrated Halloween twice this year.  On the Friday before the holiday, we went trick-or-treating in our local shopping center.  How cute are Batman and Robin?

Ahhhh...  he would yell at me for posting this if he could talk  ;)

On Halloween night, we decided to trick-or-treat with some neighborhood friends...  easy and we got back home in time to pass some candy out around 7:45.

Taken on our front porch.  Colton and Blake are in the back row
Andrew and Colton as Captain America(s)

The superheroes after trick-or-treating.  Can you tell someone would rather eat his candy then take a picture?!?

Well, the costumes weren't very original, and I sorta feel bad that they didn't have the experience of going to a store to pick out 'new' costumes.  But...  with about 20 costumes in their rooms ready to wear, they were content with their choices.

Hmmmm...  I wonder what they will be next year?