Monday, March 31, 2014

My 41st

Today was my 41st, and I got to spend it with my favorite 3 boys!  Eric made dinner tonight, and the superheroes sang to me and ate cake and ice cream.

On Saturday, Stephanie, Heather, Nirit, Amy and I went out to Tiber on the Tea for lunch.  We had so much fun, and it was no nice that all of my friends got along so well.

On Sunday, Eric and I took the superheroes to Arundel Mills mall, and let the boys run around while I scored with buying myself 9 $5 shirts from Old Navy!!

Our lunch and server

Heather, Steph, me, Nirit, Amy

pretty tea cup and heart tea sandwich

Saturday, March 15, 2014

21 Week Progress

Currently, our house is in the process of getting insulated, and the screened porch is being built.

Check out the pictures…

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Calm before the STORM

Tomorrow is supposed to snow…  no REALLY snow this time.  We have had a few "fake" snow forecasts in the past 2 weeks, but the weather predictors swear this time it will snow.  So..  Eric and I decided to get the superheroes out of the house…  to do something educational since schools are already closed for Monday (tomorrow), and to just get out of the house.

We decided to take a family outing to the National Aquarium in Baltimore.  We spent about 1 1/2 hours looking at fish, sharks, exotic birds, reptiles and dolphins, then had a fabulous crab lunch at Phillips, played outside on a really cool metal playground, and then had a tasty treat at one of our favorite dessert spots, Vaccaros.

Spotted stingray

Bubble tubes at the entrance

Spotted stingray

Large tank of sharks, fish and stingrays

In the rainforest

Looking at fish

Dolphin feeding

Jellyfish display

Tomorrow, we will spend our day cooking, shoveling, and playing outside.  I am looking forward to having a 3-day weekend with the family!