My husband, Eric, has an identical twin brother Nick, whose family luckily lives about 5 minutes from our home (or 3 miles if you decide to take the paths between our houses by bike or foot). My s.i.l. Erika has 2
awesome kids, Jordan (16) and Julien (18) from another relationship, and two little guys with Nick.
When I was pregnant with Colton, I worked at a baby boutique. As you would guess, the talk between the customers and employees was basically about pregnancy and babies (obvi)! My co-worker Laura one day mentioned to me, that when Eric's twin brother has kids, me and Eric's children would not only be cousins, but 1/2 brothers, since they would share 1/2 of the same DNA from the daddies (take that Maury Povich!)
Fast forward 4 years, and we have 'brousins' (1/2 brothers/ 1/2 cousins). Colton (almost 4), Tyson (3), Keilan (1 1/2) and Blake (almost 1). Growing up, I never had first cousins, and LOVE the idea that my boys have their special buddies to grow up with.
Today, the brousins got together twice. In the morning they played at the gym together, while Erika and I got our work-outs on (and chatted for about 30 minutes on the treadmill), and after nap time at the pool.
I took some pics, but since my camera is
crappy not that great, they might not be too clear. But, check out these two, and see if you can see any resemblance.
Keilan (left) sharing his goldfish with Blake |
from left: Tyson, Colton, Keilan and Blake (oh... and aunt Erika!) |
Below are some pics from Puerto Rico, when our families vay-cayed together during spring break.
on Dorado Beach- from left: Keilan, Colton and Tyson |
from left: Blake, Tyson and Jordan |
from left: Keilan and Blake |
Colton (standing) and Tyson (sitting) collecting shells |
one of my favorite pics! from left: Keilan, Tyson, Colton and Blake |
there's Tyson and Nick in the back, and Colton and Eric in front
How lucky are these guys to have instant best friends?!? We are so excited for all of the adventures these little guys will do in the future!
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