Blake had his 15 month check up last week, and Mimi joined us at the doctor's office.
Blake got weighed as usual. He is almost 25 pounds already (Colton is currently 33 pounds). I thinks when Blake is up and walking, he will lose some of his chub.
"I weigh HOW much?!?" |
Blake (as I put before) is still not walking. He has only crawled a handful of times, and gets around by scooting on his butt. On Oct 23rd he pulled up for the first time. Below is a picture of him after he pulled up on a new toy.
We are going to meet with people from an infant and toddler program in our county soon, so they can assess his progress. He had his blood work done last week, which ruled out MS, so that highly relieved Eric and I. But his pediatrician recommended we get some PT so he can "be on his feet" quickly.