I have recently read other bloggers write posts titled "If You Knew Me". I decided to turn this around a bit, and interview my soon-to-be 4 year-old (4 more days!!) and ask him the following questions in case my readers wanted to learn his answers to "If you knew me"... some answers I am sure will not surprise you!
Mommy: "Colton, Who is your favorite superhero?"
Colton: "Batman"
What he is wearing during this interview |
Mommy: "What is your favorite tv show?"
Colton: "Old School Batman." (he really likes Adam West!)
Mommy: "What is your favorite song?"
Colton: (sings) "Dadadadadadadada...Batman!"
Monmy: "What is your favorite color?"
Colton: (looks at his
costume outfit) "Blue, grey and yellow like Batman."
(Do you see a theme yet?!)
Mommy: "What is your favorite number?"
Colton: "Nothing. Well number 2 because Robin is with old school Batman and there are 2 of them."
Mommy: "What is your favorite food?"
Colton: "Chicken b/c Batman eats it" Uhhhh.... ok
Colton: "Are we done yet Mommy?" Ignore
Mommy: "Who is your favorite brother?" (our dog counts!)
Colton: "Blake b/c he is silly!"
Mommy: "What is your favorite thing to do outside?"
Colton: "Catch lightening bugs and put them in my bug catcher and watch them light up."
Colton: "I want to be done. Are we done?" Ignore again (I know... mean Mommy, but I need memories... right?!)
Mommy: "Where is your favorite place to go on an airplane?"
Colton: "The Florida hotel to see the fireworks with Ainsely and Isabelle." (our last trip... and I agree!)
torturous question:
Mommy: "What is your favorite sports team?"
Colton: "Orioles baseball b/c I like Adam Jones and saw him with Mimi and Poppy."